Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Household Tools Can Men Use To Masterbate

Could it be you? Why not? From Cusco

For you young:

If you are those who believe that life is worth living fully ...
If you've got a situation of hopelessness and poverty of many young people around you ... If God has
burst onto your story and you find in Jesus of Nazareth the key from which to live ...
If you're willing to share your life with others like you in a fraternity ...
draft ... Maybe God is calling you to become Salesians.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What Do The Different Colored Bracelets Mean?

This year the southern Andean region failed to make the experience vocational other times because of the situation that exists. S. Hermelinda Cheerleader of Cusco and enthusiastic pastor shares with us:
We can not do the missionary vocation experince we had planned with the l south of the strike and the difficult environment.
But at home if we had a volunteer experience for a week starting on 30 July to 4 August with the day of the Institute.
The girls are: Carmen - Dina-Erika-Melani-Sandra-Marianella, Jenny.
We remedial education to children INABIF.
Up soon.
Thanks S. Herme, tell the girls we write ... and send us a photo for the blog

Sample Letter Requesting For Housing Allowances


A group of young, in love with Jesus and willing to follow, have pledged to support each other in the way of discernment and vocational growth and performed a day of reflection. I share their goals

follow Jesus, in community

- Growing up in the love of Jesus
- Rekindling the sense of unity and prayer in our community.
- Recreate our climate of family, friendship and joy

Pray for them so they can experience the joy of leaving everything to follow Jesus Salesian style, with a joyful and generous always
Their names?? Search, Audacity, Service, Trust
Pray for them because we lack power to continue doing good and friendly mood ....

How Long Does A Bbq Gas Bottle Last


you? We are after some time.
Mollendo for Piura and after the experience of Huancavelica .... Sorry.

Thank you for your prayer is beautiful. Do not forget to feed the page, please.

you share photos of recent events ...

forget not all need love as Jesus loves us.

Only if we are signs of his love, we nuestor better world .... many children like him need us ....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pokemon For Sony Ericson

Letter of Jesus to his friends

As you know, my friend, I asked very few things in my life.
Asked an inn, before birth, thinking especially of my mother.
I asked Zacchaeus who was staying at home, and another good friend of the hall to celebrate Easter.
I asked a couple of times to drink water. Oh, and also ordered a burrito to make my triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and thus leave no evil the prophet Zechariah.

things I was not interested. I was interested in people.
I was interested, above all, friendship. I never tired of asking friends, friends who follow me, to join my cause, who were with me, to continue my task. My
task today is on the same line. I'm not going to ask for material aid, but also the need for my poor. Nor I am going to ask you to let your family and your studies, although some continue to pray it. My request is for all and is available to everyone.

Look, I have an overwhelming desire to continue "doing good", because I see so many people sad and needy. I am dying of grief at seeing that many children do not smile and die prematurely. I can not stand the image of the young man walking aimlessly, burning life with any drug and sinks in hell of emptiness and despair. It saddens me the picture of the old, which and it seems nobody wants to interfere in all parts. Every marriage is breaking my heart with a knife. Not to mention other types of violence and war. Revolts me that some are taking advantage of others, which remain individuals and peoples without freedom and dignity. Anyway, I will not repeat here what you know well. What if I want to say is that sometimes it makes me want to mourn and others take the whip.

And I ask you, what I ask, is to lend me your hands so that I can keep them healing, blessing and petting. I ask you to lend your feet so you can continue going to the calls of many disadvantaged and to run after of those who go astray. I beg your lips, to kiss many many hungry children and love. I ask for your language, to continue giving good news to the poor and denounce the hypocrites and oppressors. I pray your eyes, look with tenderness and affection for all people.

I beg your face, to smile at everyone, to smile in spite of everything, to illuminate all situations with a look of grace, peace and joy. You are so nervous and worried, you fill it all in distress. I ask finally, your heart, that I can continue to love my way.
If you lend to me, no need to let go of them. It's simple: use your as if they were mine, as if now it's pay me. Do thou with them what I'm looking forward to.

Smile, Though not feel like it, but knowing that I want. Shares, but will cost you, but think I would.
I put my Spirit, I act from yourself. I'll teach you how and how, will give you the strength and capacity. I will lengthen you. You will be my instrument. You and I will, I assure you, a God for the brother.
I pray for the Father's love for the suffering of the innocent, for what you want most. Awaiting your positive response, I send a kiss of friendship.
