Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Do I Connect My Vcr To My Laptop


been a long time girl ... a lot of water has flowed under the bridge ... but ...

nuevooooo Here we are! Needless to explain the series adverse events were accompanying us in recent times at 3 ... not the end of this blog ... (which really has no end ...) which led us to wonder if it will be a divine retribution for our behaviors heretics ... This made us believe that a mail to the Pope might exonerate us of potential sins. That's what we call our correspondent in the Vatican to put us in contact with the Holy Father ..

The response was immediate ... was short concise and direct ... "I'm not willing to waste time with these giles !!!!"


Well here we are again ... in fact the shop was 1st to arrive ... (as always ...) Then came the kolo to the belly with this reckless to walk half all but came to an end ...

and finally the gib ... that with the royalties of a few evils bought a little car ...

Gib came

the bar screaming ... I am willing to post up!! A costume as a place ... fuck my notebook!


kolo ... we looked tenderly sighs in unison. ... And we said ... sit down ... gib

went to the bar to ask for something to gib ...

Now that I think ... I think something we put into the drink ... we were very rare three ..

The girl who passed me ... I thought it was acting in a strange way, especially when it poured on the armchair that was next to us asking "you want anything else?"

The 3 ... and we know we know our "visions" somewhat detached from reality ... and try to ocultárnoslas ... for the other two did not begin to cover that he thought he saw something ...

I take courage and pulled the girl gib ... che ... that asshole who came not once familiar face?

Gib: no idiot but I noticed something weird ...

I remembered the dream that gives me holding a gib drive ... when I talk non-stop ... I thought of ESOP to get away mentally from the situation ...

The kolo added ... che those mirrors and staircase believe me as phobias ... why not go somewhere else ...??

top seemed to me fat-watching any ... (pa ved cecil)

I: no jerks seriously .... Here there is no sun beach ... ... no way ... that wave !!!!!!!...

The unreality and we were dominating when a sentence of gib brought us back to this (?)

Gib: do not realize it was a papal permission boludez to change the wavelength of the Last Supper?

Who would think that would accept ... some of the 4 proposals ... jerks who ????!!!!

The kolo: A SOLO VOS asshole ... .. A VOS ... I sent it without telling anyone ... hahaha!

gib At that time he was transfigured and began to swear in a disjointed manner ... to what he said ... kolo

Kolo: do not make me shut up crazy shit sos .... Hermenegildo Sabat??

already at this point ... no sense to say that the meeting was to see if they wanted to upload r videíto fart ...

So I got up and went to the shit ...

and got one ... (which will shit ...)