Sunday, January 4, 2009

Does Anyone Have The Real Time Labor Guide

"Before I give you life, and I had chosen Jer. 1, 4 -9


God calls every person. First it calls into existence, life, turn over his life, he will have a higher calling to love relationship with him so that the man may have the fullness and happiness you want in the depths of his being .
Each one of us called in a particular way: we called our name. "
to live a particular experience with him, in different ways that give us life stages such as marriage, priesthood, religious life, the consecration of the laity, the contemplative life etc.

Today we offer you the call of the prophet Jeremiah. God broke into history, out of pure love called to new life and more, his own life, and gave him a singular mission, made him realize his love for him and for all men, and how they were moving away from him .
Its mission was to call men to recover their vocation, to become children of God. Jeremiah had to explain to his contemporaries what they were doing wrong and what they had to do to return to his former relationship with God. As one can easily understand, this earned her discussions, problems and serious difficulties.
No one we like to tell us the things we do wrong, let alone tell us what to do. We do not like to tell us someone in authority over us (parents, teachers, etc.), But it is almost impossible to accept is that we tell one of us, a friend or colleague.

Vocation Jeremiah

God "Then the Lord gave me the word in these terms:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you: I will I established a prophet to the nations
I said, "Ah, Lord God! Look, I am a boy."
And the Lord said to me: Do not say "I am a boy", because everywhere I send you will go, and whatever I command you say. Do not be afraid, that I am to save you, says the Lord.
Then Yahweh stretched out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said, Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. From today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and destroy, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. " (Jer 1, 4-10)

This piece of the Word of God we find an encounter between God and Jeremiah, his calling and mission, their natural reaction of fear, the insistence of the call and words of encouragement and support by God.

The two temporal conjunctions ("Before" and "Before") shows that the divine actions regarding the generation of a "prophet to the nations" were made prior to the birth of your choice. The time leading up to the life of a prophet is God who chooses and establishes even before birth. The two verbs' gestation, a design ("form" in the breast) and a birth ("out" of the womb), indicate that God formed the body of the prophet and his own history.

The three divine action verbs ("I met you," I consecrated you "and" I was ") made the prophet is chosen and indicate that the mission is the main reason for the election. Every vocation looks at a mission, that is, look at an ad and liberating activity in the segment of history of salvation that God made her choice.

"I knew '
The verb indicates known in biblical literature and wisdom not so much an intellectual ownership of the knowing subject as a personal relationship and communion acceptance when it comes to knowledge of people. In Sacred Scripture, "know" as "elect" or "call" belong to the semantic field of the relationship interpersonal. Because of this, "choice" is synonymous with "knowing" and "being known" by both "Before I formed you in the womb I chose you," we must understand it as: "I took you for establishing a vital communion with you."
The interpersonal relationship between God and his prophet, "expressed by the verb" to know "- background is the mother-child model as indicated by the use of the terms" formed in the womb "and" to leave the womb "(Jer 1 5). It is God who is responsible parenthood and thus be legal and that affective gesture, giving it a status especially in the life and history of Israel, his people (1,5.9). Whom God will comfort and assist your choice and will to succeed cause (1.17 to 18) because it has made its parent and, therefore, known before birth (1,8.19).

"I consecrated"
The second verb, to consecrate, in Holy Scripture is interpreted in its original sense as an action separate-ritual-a person or thing from the profane to dedicate exclusively to service to God (sacred area). "Consecrate" is to become the exclusive property of Lord
The thing or person, being God's property, shares His glory and holiness (cf. Is 6.3 to 7) is separated, then, to devote himself to God, part of their property and mediate scrim human realities. And God.

"appointed you"
The third verb form, indicates the purpose of the previous divine actions: assign a task to your chosen. If God "knows" Jeremiah and "dedicate" is to constitute "a prophet to the nations"
For the mission, God gives Jeremiah's words and strength. The words express the will of the God of Israel that his messenger should announce to the people. The fort referred to by the metaphor of the fortified city suggests that God does share in his estate to the elected, so he has the victory, despite the persecution and their apparent defeat. Furthermore
vocation is also a relationship of dialogue with God, receive his word and message. The word that life offers an intimate resonance causes you who feels compelled to "res-ponder.

initiative and choice are always of God, the vocations
merely raise questions or offer when God asks a volunteer vocation is an experience of communion with God, of partnership and dialogue, radical and profoundly transformed chosen life, giving clear awareness of being God's property.
The reasons for God's choice remains a mystery as the question of why
was chosen such a person and not another is no logical answer and the call is personal and not transferable

What aspects of Jeremiah's vocation more questioners are you today?, why?
How have you experienced or are experiencing in your life vocational Jr verbs 1.5:
"I met you," I consecrated you "and" appointed you?
How is your dialogue with God? How do you experience? What is having real consequences in your life?
How do you cope or solve the fear and conflict that creates the feeling of being chosen by God?

Reread the text apply to you and says,

God: Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you, before you were born I consecrated you: I appointed you a prophet I
nations :............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................

God says to me Do not be afraid, that I am with you to save

Then God touched my mouth and said:
"Here I have put my words in your mouth. From today I give you authority over people and society to announce and to denounce, to propose and encourage, persuade and build my kingdom in every heart "

Me: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

PRAYER: Before
formed in the womb of my mother, I knew my God and your
Before you were born I consecrated to your service bundle
From all eternity few with me and I will not miss Lord
From all eternity I've thought about and chosen as your envoy

Lord, your tender and faithful love
help me understand the greatness of your choice,
the magnitude of your love, fidelity of your presence in my life,
and the constancy of your love through me, given to all humanity that surrounds me, surrounding me and waiting for your love.

Lord that the strength of your dedication to help me be
Docile to your word, obedient to your inspirations
Open to reversals,
strong and firm decisions in your following