Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where Can I Find Some Gif


media saw
The "muscle car" against the tax reform paralyzed the city center

(11/25/1910) The organized protest this Thursday Multisectoral left the Fiscal Reform Quilmes center in a state of full mobilization against rising rates. A convoy near the hundred of vehicles, plus a walk up and circulated leaflets against the tax reform, mobilized the community against Gutierrez management decisions, to an extent hitherto unpublished.
Organizations that are nucleated in the Multisectoral had perfect attendance in the "muscle car", it added claims of "a city dirty, insecure and without services."
Many of those who circulated the town received fliers with information about the phenomenal increase Reform fees generate driving Mayor Gutierrez, and the consequences it will have on businesses and properties.
Therefore, before the request for more information, Multisectoral announced that it will deepen the information sessions in the districts, with the next, which will be carried out tomorrow in the Sociedad de Fomento Villa Lujan, at 18.
Towards the end of the caravan that toured the area delimited by the avenues Brandzen and Alberdi, and streets and San Martín Mitre, the demonstrators who took the walking tour focused with the members of the caravan in the corner of Mitre and Rivadavia, which was cut by a half-hour, time in which they reaffirmed the slogan "No to Tax Reform" that will be put into consideration on 6 December.
were present for the organizations that comprise the Multisectoral: ARI-CC Quilmes, AEPUQ, Bernal Kingdom, CEUS-Quilmes, Quilmes Women's Commission, Varela and Berazategui, Classist and combative Peronist Renovation Meeting, Federation of Building and People's Organizations Free Quilmes; Forum Assemblies by PUA, Quilmes Liaison Bureau, Socialist Workers Movement; Quilmes Kingdom, Radicals in the Civic Coalition, Secretariat-General and Deputy SUTEBA Quilmes, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Party, Workers Party, Project South Quilmes, Quilmes Radical Civic Union , Unidad Popular.
organizations said in a final document that "If the Mayor December 6 through its council members and allies approves the Fiscal Reform, will consummate the biggest robbery in the pockets of taxpayers who have registered in recent years. "and reaffirmed that" We will continue working until the last second to stop this abuse. "

El Diario de Quilmes

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' A "muscle car" marked his opposition to tax reform- Tax

Organized by the Multisectoral different sectors Quilmes political and social, many opponents, marked its position in the center Quilmes anti-Tax Reform Tax will be addressed soon by the city council

One hundred vehicles toured the streets of downtown Quilmes, which was added a steering wheel to walk through the streets of the district. During his tour
the Multisectoral announced that deepen the information sessions in the districts, with the next, which will be carried out tomorrow in the Sociedad de Fomento Villa Lujan, at 18.
Towards the end of the caravan that toured the area delimited by the avenues Brandzen and Alberdi, and Mitre streets and San Martín; demonstrators who took the walking tour focused with the members of the caravan in the corner of Mitre and Rivadavia, which was cut by a half-hour, time in which it reaffirmed the slogan 'No to Tax Reform' which will be put into consideration on 6 December.
mobilization of ARI-CC participated Quilmes, AEPUQ, Bernal Kingdom, CEUS-Quilmes, Quilmes Women's Commission, Varela and Berazategui, Classist and combative Peronist Renovation Meeting, Federation of Building and People's Organizations Free Quilmes ; Forum Meetings by the PUA, Quilmes Liaison Bureau, Socialist Workers Movement; Quilmes Kingdom Radicals Civic Coalition, Secretariat-General and Deputy SUTEBA Quilmes, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Party, Workers Party, Project South Quilmes, Quilmes Radical Civic Union, the Popular Unity Agency


'''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''' RISE AGAINST AND THE URBAN PLAN

protest muscle car Quilmes

Center Tax reform municipal management that drives Quilmes was the straw that overflowed the patience of groups who, for various reasons, were disappointed with broken promises. All gathered in the claim yesterday.
social organizations, unions, political, neighborhood and common neighbors held yesterday afternoon to protest a muscle car in Quilmes Centro. And claimed by the fee increase that drives Gutiérrez Management, as well as urban development projects, and the lack (still) an Environmental Urban Plan.
convened by the Multisectoral Fiscal Reform, Neighborhood Assemblies Forum, and the CTA, the protest ended by joining various groups in the District, for various reasons, disagree with the municipal administration. Called for 19
, cars gathered on the avenue Brandzen, from where just past 19.30. Speakers playing with balloons, flags, posters and banners precarious written for the occasion, the column of vehicles through the streets downtown.

South Outlook Journal.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' paralyzed the city muscle car

The protest, organized yesterday Multisectoral Fiscal Reform in the center left Quilmes in a state of full mobilization against rising rates.
A convoy near the hundreds of vehicles, plus a walk up and circulated leaflets against the tax reform, mobilized the community against Gutierrez management decisions, to an extent hitherto unpublished.
Organizations that are nucleated in the Multisectoral had perfect attendance in the "muscle car", it added claims of "a city dirty, insecure and without services."
Many of those who circulated the town received fliers with information about the phenomenal increase Reform fees generate driving Mayor Gutierrez, and the consequences that will Shops and properties.
Therefore, before the request for more information, announced that deepen Multisectoral briefings in the neighborhoods, with the next, which will be carried out tomorrow in the Sociedad de Fomento Villa Lujan, at 18.
Towards the end of the caravan that toured the area delimited by the avenues Brandzen and Alberdi, and streets and San Martín Mitre, the demonstrators who took the walking tour focused with the members of the caravan in the corner of Mitre and Rivadavia, which was cut by a half-hour, time in which they reaffirmed the slogan "No to Tax Reform" that will be put into consideration on 6 December.

were present for the organizations that comprise the Multisectoral: ARI-CC Quilmes, AEPUQ, Bernal Kingdom, CEUS-Quilmes, Quilmes Women's Commission, Varela and Berazategui, Classist and combative Peronist Renovation Meeting, Federation of Building and Organizations Free People of Quilmes, Forum Meetings by the PUA, Quilmes Liaison Bureau, Socialist Workers Movement; Quilmes Kingdom, Radicals in the Civic Coalition, Secretariat-General and Deputy SUTEBA Quilmes, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Party, Workers, Project South Quilmes, Quilmes Radical Civic Union, the Popular Unity. The

organizations indicated in a final document that "If the Mayor December 6 through its council members and allies adopted the Tax Reform, will consummate the biggest robbery in the pockets of taxpayers who have registered in recent years." and reaffirmed that "We will continue working until the last second to stop this abuse."

5 Days
''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''

Hundreds of cars and neighbors walking paralyzed Quilmes downtown to protest the fee increase that promotes municipal mayor Francisco "Ali Barba" Gutierrez.
unions, social organizations, environmentalists, the ombudsman's office and political parties were the core of the protest to which were added neighbors who moved around the center. It was also noticeable support from homes and businesses from which salutes departing the caravan passed.
were present for the organizations that comprise the Multisectoral: ARI-CC Quilmes, AEPUQ, Bernal Kingdom, CEUS-Quilmes (Anibal), Women's Commission Quilmes, Varela and Berazategui, Classist and Combative, PJ, Peronist Renovation Meeting, Federation of Building and People's Organizations Free Quilmes; Forum Meetings by the PUA, Quilmes Liaison Bureau, Socialist Workers Movement; Quilmes Kingdom, Radicals in the Civic Coalition, Secretariat-General and Deputy SUTEBA Quilmes; Party Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Project South Quilmes, Quilmes Radical Civic Union, the Popular Unity.
The claim rates were joined by environmentalists who promote an Urban Environment Plan and who were betrayed by that campaign Gutierrez signed before a notary public commitment to implement it and then allow more indiscriminate construction of buildings and gated communities.
But the claim for the fee increase was undoubtedly the center of the protest. Multisectoral for weeks been promoting the talks and debates at various institutions informing residents the terrible impact of the so-called tax reform which increases in some cases exceed 200 percent.
The demonstrators did not forget the council of EU-PRO, José María Sallust, Carlos Posch, Luis Bratti and Nora Saracco, who accompanied Gutierrez preparatory Ordinance or not be ratified on 6 December.
A flyer with a picture of 4 of hands and allusions to corruption were distributed and posted on the cars leaving.
The mobilization was undoubtedly the most important fact to protest the city government has suffered from that Gutierrez took the commune chief in 2007.
should be remembered that in the 2009 elections as a candidate for councilor Gutierrez, lost in Central Quilmes, Quilmes Oeste, Bernal Center (third left) and Center Ezpeleta. Quilmes

Monday, November 22, 2010

Things Must Be In A Car


Neighborhood Assemblies by the Multisectoral and various representative sectors of the citizenry of the entire district are attached to the muscle car is organized next Thursday 25 November at 1900 hs Brandsen and Mitre, the outrage against the neighbors, attitudes autistic Township closed doors, lack of compliance with commitments made by the Mayor, foreign secretaries who are not interested in the city and lined economic interests against the interests of the residents.

for a solution to CHAOS AND NIGHT

For all this we join the AUTAZO.También can participate neighbors walk, meeting at the same time on the corner of San Martín and Rivadavia. We left from there and we walked to Rivadavia y Mitre, joining at the corners to pass cars.