Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bushnell Elite 3200 5-15x40 Review


The aim of our neighboring Assembly, ES ALWAYS show the truth despite great interest in this case real estate, which tries to cover news which goes against their billeteras.Compartimos with you this very serious scientific research, carried out recently in the more developed countries land, which clearly shows the damage he is causing people to live in buildings.

We have no doubt that this information has also reached some of the major print media and radio, but when did disseminate regret "other things" that netted him more than the health of people.

Recent studies have demonstrated without doubt that a significant relationship between residence in buildings and experience more depressive disorders. Evans along with several scientists and physicians like Dr. Birtchnell, conclude that multiple homes (buildings) are associated with adverse findings on mental health in comparison with traditional homes houses. More than 90 percent of the studies were associated with poor mental health, depression, psychiatric incidents, levels of neuroticism, among other diseases.

Mental Illness and Housing
There would
higher prevalence of depression in homes vs building houses with open spaces . As indicated by Drs Stafford and Marmot, which linked the mental health environment. Syndrome was defined "suburban neurosis" in which described how the family environment and type of housing affects the anxiety disorders.

The number of hospital admissions for depression or psychosis , evidenced a clear relationship between levels of urbanization as measured by population density and incidence of psychosis and depression . Finally

all recent studies confirmed that people living in buildings greater risk of depression and psychosis. Such is the categorical conclusion that Dr. Sundquist won to analyze a population between 25 and 64, with a total 4.4 million people , for a period of three years.