Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stomach Flu Jacksonville Fl

In the field of liberated zone enjoying Quilmes construction taking Secretary Roxana Architect builders, investors and developers with utilities in cahoots with the city have overwhelmed once Moreover, the rights of residents of our city.

more than two weeks ago, about thirty families in the center of Quilmes, have been cut at close range of their phone lines, without any consultation or at least notice.

The incident occurred when the work of a building is being carried out on the street Humberto Primo between Brown and Lavalle, meters away from a popular supermarket by Arsenia and Gozalvez Architects, who gave the order to cut telephone box telephone lines for relocation. Telefónica

blindly and the City looking the other hand, carried out the order , leaving abruptly without telephones about thirty families.

Residents began calling telephone repairman, where recobian response was a temporary problem that would be repaired within hours.

As has happened since taking office, Secretary builders still favors the interests of the neighbors? is of course not.


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