Saturday, December 25, 2010

Zumba How Long Before You See Results

Christmas Neither Olivares stops teasing

less than 2 months ago confirmed that overlooked the warning came a long time for this company

Quilmes: Confirmed Smurfit Kappa paper mill pollution
Environmentalists warn that district from the provincial government confirmed that the Smurfit Kappa paper mill pollution. ContenerĂ­an waste effluents of pulp and low oxygen. They warn that 500 meters from the mouth of the canal are the water intakes AySA a water treatment plant.

After repeated complaints by environmentalists in the region, say the provincial government confirmed that the Smurfit Kappa paper mill pollutes the water with their waste water. The liquid discharged by the company contain waste paper pulp and low oxygen. According

environmentalists said the middle Southern Perspective, from the Water Authority confirmed that the trash that pollutes the water and "500 meters from the mouth of the channel Smurfit - Kappa are water intakes of AySA treatment plant, one of the main grievances of the complainants.

Trash is located in the residential area of \u200b\u200bBernal. The complainants have claimed on numerous occasions the Mayor Francisco Gutierrez to intervene in the situation. Today

Christmas, Olivares, Secretary of the portfolio "POLLUTION and contempt for the Environment" celebrates Christmas with a company concerned with the smiles of children and care for the environment .... really a new hair taken from the residents of Quilmes.
The note reads:

"was conducted in the area along the banks of Bernal, by the City and the Smurfit Kappa factory, in order to bring joy to all children. There were games, puppets and Santa Claus came to

On the day before Christmas, The Commune Quilmes and Smurfit Kappa factory staged a day of solidarity on the banks of Bernal with the aim of bringing joy to all the guys in the area.
The initiative organized by the City and had the support of the company bernalense. In the day there were games, puppets, bread, toast and even Santa Claus came with some gifts for the kids who, despite the intense heat, could enjoy a day full of joy thanks to the intervention of the Ministry of Environment and Corporate Responsibility program of Smurfit Kappa.

Secretary Claudio Olivares stated his satisfaction at being able to "bring a little joy to the kids at Christmas, because it is a day meant for them and in order that they can have a good time." Also

the official said "there is a strong work also on environmental awareness, every time we try to instill in children the importance of care and to carry forward multipliers talks and promoting dialogue with the kids to learn .
The importance that companies can participate in this type of encounter and solidarity with the needs of residents. And he urged other firms to make actions with the Commune in pursuit of the benefit of children. " So


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