Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lifesaver Smoke Alarm 1235 Instruction Manual


Massuh Neighbors of the mill resumed the claim with the lack of response by the environmental pollution generated by the plant that affects the whole area. Reported inaction of government authorities and non-compliance of court orders, which require remediation

Beyond the Massuh Trash is no longer in operation, pollution is seeping decades deep between habiantantes de la zona lindera al Arroyo Las Piedras, en Quilmes.
Tras el fallido intento del gobierno kirchnerista y de Guillermo Moreno de poner en pié la producción dentro de Massuh, aún persisten las secuelas del deterioro ambiental.
El juez en lo Contencioso Admnistrativo N° 1 de La Plata Luis Federico Arias, ordenó a Nación Fideicomiso, a cargo entonces de la administración financiera de Papelera Quilmes (ex Massuh) a abonar 6 millones de pesos para cubrir los daños ambientales ocasionados por la empresa.
El organismo no cumplió el acuerdo firmado el 24 de septiembre de 2009 en el que asumía junto al Municipio local obligaciones tendientes a remediar los problemas de contaminación en la zona.
En that situation was included Mayor Francisco Gutierrez, Director of Environmental Impact, Gabriela Gonzalez, the Adviser of the Ministry of Economy and Production, Employment, Marcela Linares, the Secretary for Water, Sewer and Water Sanitation, Manuel "Lolo" Roberto Carracelas and the Director of Legal Management, Carlos Fernando Fux, who was fined $ 400,000.
The work involved included the construction of a more environmental lung channel casing 822 that separates the paper plant of Barrio José Hernández de Quilmes (affected), plus afforestation, maintenance and landscaping of the area.
"We fear of a coming flood and here we cover the water, "residents said
These systematic and repeated breaches of both the polluting company Massuh Bin, as public bodies involved in the remediation, were highlighted again by the residents affected .
"The neighbors are tired of broken promises and disregard of court orders, both from a company founded with millionaire businessmen, as well as municipal, provincial and national, are deaf to the claims of poor neighborhood affected by the contamination scandal, "he


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