Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why Does A Baby Have Reflux

Want to know? Cheer

Oratorio Come and meet the Salesian life.
Share your joy, your creativity, your enthusiasm to help other boys and girls to find Jesus. Contact
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Black Stool From Last 45 Days

.... Cmpartiendo

Many make great sacrifices to reach a figure archiestética ...
Others they crave it affordable to buy everything in the world but never used
Those who strive to take title after title although it does change their lives
few dare to follow Jesus
because Jesus does not give you greatness, no titles, no applause and good images.
gives you more Worse
gives you peace
gives you joy
you feel happy to announce
gives you thousands of brothers who walk with the same north
best thing I have: The same.
do not long to wait
Do not get so many reasons for killing the voice of God in your heart.
If He calls you now or later prevail. Do not resist.
Otherwise, read Francis of Assisi, Augustine of Hippo, Teresa of Jesus, Mother Teresa ... could not stand her voice, her calling.
as Maine, and D. Bosco give him the joy of your youth for other young people in need.

is the time ... Worth
follow Jesus ....

Policeman Zulu Tango Seiera

From July 30 to August 4 conducted a Salcabamba pastoral experience in the department of Huancavelica, accompanied by Sister Dew, Sister Rachel, Sister Elizabeth Sister Grace and Professor Marta Rodriguez. It was a very enriching experience, a time of sharing, giving and receiving.
diversity greatly enriched the group, as each one from its own history and from his own experience was known to provide other succeeding, despite the differences, the unit in order to get the service of Jesus in the community Salcabamba.
From day reality that is lived there, we challenge each special way was not easy to adapt, but we left each other cheering with joy and enthusiasm and through various activities we feel accompanied and united by the mission. The
children in the area we were very spirited, participated in the games and catechesis with great joy, attentive listening to the good afternoon to prepare their catechists, he felt in them the desire to be "friends of Jesus." Every day we encouraged to pray the Rosary and the Eucharist, which involved people of different ages, we live an intense shared as a family, a community on its way.
live unforgettable moments, one of which was the last night we were in Salcabamba, where small numbers to prepare the Padre Norberto thank the hospitality we received from the first time at home and also to thank each for their efforts to what during those days. Each group provides the best, well prepared and we had fun with each number, and to our surprise both the Father and the sisters had their numbers.
certainly was a time that has left us memories ... encounters with children, trips to villages to give catechesis, the stories were not lacking, working together, sharing our thoughts and more.
But the greatest thing these days is that Jesus was always the center, speaking to our heart, appealing, calling. Spent a thousand ways and revealed his face. As we shared reflection one of: It is He who calls us and lets us complete freedom, has a way for each and we launched the invitation to follow him to be with him, an invitation that carries our name, but does not oblige us, but expect our generous response, it is in us discover and continue this punishment misión.Vale follow Jesus ....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comparison Of Currency Pair Fluctuation

experience is worth to follow Jesus ....

If you feel in your heart the most anxious to know Jesus, for the most needy servile.

If you are one of the girls who do not conform nid Errota, but you are looking for, struggles ...

If you experience in your heart the thirst for God, nothing and no one can satisfy you ... If you've tried

silence the voice of God in your heart, but still feel her call from inside ...

If you like to pray, share, proclaim the Gospel, to live with other young people with your same concern ...

it be that Jesus wants you to share with him his mission in a more concrete??

Contact us, perhaps we can together find out what God's dream for you. You can contact

S. Elsie S. Núñez at 2630782 or Gloria Patiño to

3332859 or write to or visit our web