Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comparison Of Currency Pair Fluctuation

experience is worth to follow Jesus ....

If you feel in your heart the most anxious to know Jesus, for the most needy servile.

If you are one of the girls who do not conform nid Errota, but you are looking for, struggles ...

If you experience in your heart the thirst for God, nothing and no one can satisfy you ... If you've tried

silence the voice of God in your heart, but still feel her call from inside ...

If you like to pray, share, proclaim the Gospel, to live with other young people with your same concern ...

it be that Jesus wants you to share with him his mission in a more concrete??

Contact us, perhaps we can together find out what God's dream for you. You can contact

S. Elsie S. Núñez at 2630782 or Gloria Patiño to

3332859 or write to or visit our web


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