Sunday, December 16, 2007

Black Stool From Last 45 Days

.... Cmpartiendo

Many make great sacrifices to reach a figure archiestética ...
Others they crave it affordable to buy everything in the world but never used
Those who strive to take title after title although it does change their lives
few dare to follow Jesus
because Jesus does not give you greatness, no titles, no applause and good images.
gives you more Worse
gives you peace
gives you joy
you feel happy to announce
gives you thousands of brothers who walk with the same north
best thing I have: The same.
do not long to wait
Do not get so many reasons for killing the voice of God in your heart.
If He calls you now or later prevail. Do not resist.
Otherwise, read Francis of Assisi, Augustine of Hippo, Teresa of Jesus, Mother Teresa ... could not stand her voice, her calling.
as Maine, and D. Bosco give him the joy of your youth for other young people in need.

is the time ... Worth
follow Jesus ....


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