Monday, September 13, 2010

To Get Shot By Paintball Gun

Assembly by the PUA

Management Gutiérrez, foxes guarding the sheep ...
200 works, 5 inspectors: we do not have to mourn a tragedy.

30 days ago Villa Urquiza, collapse, death, despair. The news put to light the huge irregularities being committed daily in Capital and its suburbs. Quilmes 15 days ago - without exception - they signed an agreement with the College of Architects and Engineers to monitor the work in the construction works carried out in the district.

Now .... can delegate the responsibilities of the municipality in the hands of special interests? Neighbors at this point in the destruction of the city we know very well - by name - who are the actors necessary for the chaos reign in the city. Since the politicians in power, responsible to prevent this from happening, to individuals who - wanting to go unnoticed, because they know in private what they are doing - they can not. Quilmes because everybody knows everybody. And fed back into a daily record of undesirable neighbors.

Gutiérrez management in the field ensured that this would not happen. Reninson
When the architect and his team were in charge of the Department of Public Works, and after a clear diagnosis of how he was working in the city - the neighbors told us the decision to create a body of municipal inspectors to specifically monitor individual works with a regular report to the community was really a step toward sanity.
Soon - in February 2009 - moved away from their duties and after 18 months we learned from the media (since the doors of the secretariat have been closed to common neighbor) that the Secretary, Roxana González Arch (front since then the area) admits to having only 5 (five) inspectors to monitor more than 200 works, having appointed more than 1500 (1500) workers in your area. In this blunder was compounded by signing these agreements. Background

Unfortunately the neighbors have to talk about the professional associations for both the engineer and the architect Carrizo Alejandro Latorre said to be their representatives. In fact, we want to do a bit of history to know which characters are intended to bring peace to the neighbors, delegating responsibility in the hands of those who during the previous administration were the framers (abetting through explicit policy) of wanting us to believe Quilmes's neighbors that the intention was to develop harmoniously in the city.
Today we have a clear indication of what they wanted, just business. Organized town hall meetings (Commission for rezoning by) in 2006 to both Reed and Latorre expressly prohibited the participation of local residents. Then came The show mounted unquie with paid professionals by HCD then (ie our money) and with the complicity of the (thankfully) ex-Councillor Rizzi, where he attended only raptors would take over the real estate business City, released in recent years.

was thus achieved a rezoning that did not benefit the city, only a few big business. When the city are suffering today, we know that those responsible are still with us. When you want to call some pigeons, but they have four legs, long whiskers and a tail long finite and we all realize that they are not ....

work on the bill of the building located at 1100 Alvear to figure responsible for the work he suffered a breakdown dragged from the house next door.
same architect who is now part of the Superior Council of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires. Different looks

While still confuse our lands and territories of delegating responsibilities inherent interference of the state, in other places think differently. Thus, the school decided to take BA engineers - just called the tragedy of Villa Urquiza - the application which can be seen below, where expressly indicated that "... does not correspond to professional advice and exercise supervision or control over the building and construction .... but they is a power reserved to the government ... that keeps the police power. " Requested

published in the Clarin
on Thursday August 12, 2010

We report, we have data. Unfortunately they are taking the same roads at the time.

Meanwhile, "the center" of the city expels us and puts us at risk.

over a year ago, yes, a year that we have asked for a hearing with the Governor and the Secretary of Public Works. Gonzalez Architect knows that we many questions to ask, who are ultimately where we are neighbors of each corner of the city and to integrate the Assembly Forum: pavements, boulevards, Andres Baranda, authorization Quilmes Bernal buildings without complying with the rules, preservation of riparian forest, destroying the district's architectural heritage, maintenance of dirt roads, housing schemes for those in need, places, etc.

Unfortunately, the us closed all doors to dialogue, both the arch. González as Rivara Arch and Arch Gramajo, we only have left public complaints and the courts. Irregularities must be punished. In game is the health of residents. Mayor Gutierrez

knows very well (I spoke face to face with the neighbors and promised to give answers) that we propose is only living in a city better and not one in clear decline.


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