Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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MOURINHO: Seek the truth in Zaragoza

October 27 I wrote a blog article twitter Community four months after fully understand is force ... which is why I reproduce in this blog.

"Who is this man they all talk? ... some do it for good, others bad, but the fact that everyone talks about it. A" man special "Born in Lusitania, which after victorious campaigns in the" Perfidious Albion "and in Italy (home of the Empire) has come to Spain to delight of the scribes, journalists and commentators homelands that are in the "strategist Setúbal" a sweet (somewhat bitter) to suck or grab as appropriate.

You try to block out the media streams originating from the airlift, but not always easy, is that harassment of information we receive on the Portuguese force you (almost unwittingly) to have to take sides. Either you love or hate. There seems to be gray when it comes to Mourinho, who certainly is known to move with admirable poise when the microphone, the objective and focus will directly target. Nato is a trickster, a seductive look poaching and direct verb, genius and figure at the same tyrant. Everything about it is confusing, he knows ... and likes it.

The Senate Madrid extols the virtues of Luso until exhaustion, and raises the point minutiae of great deeds. For their part, Barca hosts stoned the figure of Joseph in an attempt to weaken that has become the main stronghold of the rival plateau and main threat of tyranny Barca both concerned with the center. Typically we go. Sweeps for each home so that your site will be the most brilliant. Nothing new.

What if it's true, we're ending the month of October and the issue is becoming tiresome. The press conferences of Joseph are expected as the bread and circuses in Rome and its impact often exceeds mere football. If this is the script that awaits us all season ... we will have no one to take a position. What does the journalist, commentator does, so does the baker and so does the waiter. They do it all.

However, we should be aware that there is good position and take sides based on false premises. If you live in Barcelona only hear the bad, if you live in Madrid only hear the good. What school of thought should be followed when the two parties are directly involved? ... Probably none.

Neither Mourinho invented Coca-Cola ... nor was the bull that killed Manolete.

I have it clear, if in Barcelona distort and criticize bad, and in Madrid and sweetened to distort it ... surely the truth about Joseph has to be found in the gray zone, a place half way there to be equidistant between the two epicenters of the country information.

Therefore, I would strongly recommend you seek the truth in Zaragoza. "

Borja Pardo
@ borja_pardo (in twitter)


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