Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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Delivered, an Award at the 1st National Competition of Comics, manga cartoon

This Friday May 13th was held the awards ceremony of the 1st National Competition of Comics, Manga, Comic, 65th Anniversary of the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP), in Professional and amateur.

This edition had over 114 participants from around the country who showed great professionalism techniques of comics and manga comics, strengthening their capacities for draw and create.
The jury responsible for the selection of winners is made up of recognized experts, who unveiled the final decision

They are:

  • Victor Hugo, artist;
  • José Enrique Lara illustrator;
  • Mauricio Lemus, illustrator, graphic artist and caricaturist
  • Juan Queral, publisher and illustrator
  • and special coordination Sammy Rodriguez and Rodolfo Hernández , winners in both categories will receive a diploma and a cash prize.

The award ceremony was held at the premises of the VDL Library Books in Caracas Sambil Mall, located in the Chacao municipality, starting at 6 pm. The event also took place the baptism of the journal N ° 8 " Venezuela in Comics." With much appreciation for the national comiquera community, pr the arrival of a new delivery of such a prestigious publication that addresses the brother Sammy Rodriguez, to which we will extend congratulations

The ceremony was also attended Marco Ruiz, Secretary General National Union of Press Workers (SNTP), Rosario Gayol, Marketing Manager of the Library VdlBooks, Illish Urbina, Store Manager VdlBooks Sambil, among other special guests.

This award was organized by the SNTP with the support of Venezuela in Comics, VdlBooks, American Book Shop and Absolute.

A nd The Winner are ... ....

Here are the winners in both categories and be our warm congratulations for being part of that new breed of artists

as professionals:


name or pseudonym : Gil Raynner
Age: 21 Years
Title Of Work: 731 Intervention
Style: Cartoon
Hometown: Caracas

Second Place

name or nickname: Ciel
Age: 22 Years
Title Of Work : Student Chronicles (Maria De Los Angeles)
Style: Manga
Hometown: Valencia

Third Place

Jgas name or pseudonym (Joseph G. Andreas)
Age: 18 Years
Title Of Work: Game Over
Style: Ameri-Manga
Hometown: Monagas

Fourth Place

Jgas name or pseudonym (Alex Knight)
Age: 30 Years
Title Of Work: The Last Sunset
Style: Ameri-Manga
Hometown: City 0jeda Zulia

Fifth Place

name or nickname: Nestor Canchica
Age: 40 Years
Title Of Work: ; De Brujo Asphalt
Style: Cartoon
Hometown: Caracas

Sixth Place

name or nickname: Alex Barra
Age: 28 Years
Title Of Work: Things Things
Style: Cartoon, Humor
Hometown: Caracas

For Quality Amateur

Winners were:

• 1st Place: Maria Urbina On April Fontela Y " Alice in Caracas Meter , Miranda Style: Manga
• 2nd Place: Natsuko For" De Como 4 Strangers came to a land of Gracia "Barinitas Style: Manga
• 3rd LugarAntony Garcia On "Love That Kill", Macuto Style: Manga
• 4th Place: Carlos David Betancourt By " Tepuy ", Caracas Style: American
• 5th Place: Nishi For " A Road Notes" , Barcelona, \u200b\u200bStyle: Manga
• 6th Place: Mario Lemus "By Way Of Chocolate" , Caracas Style: Manga

Sammy Rodriguez Featuring "Venezuela in comic # 8"

Baptism Of Venezuela in comics # 8

Party Winners

VdlBooks Shop Sambil

assistant public

Happy Winners posing with their prizes

Some Pictures of the event, and the Baptism of Venezuela in Comics # 8 " Courtesy of the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP)

What You Already Have you read a comic today?

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Presentation of the magazine "Comics for Life"

Press FBA (17/05/1911) On Friday May 20 will be filed
Press FBA (17/05/1911) On Friday May 20 will be presented by the Comics Magazine life a comic book publication coordinated by Biblioteca Ayacucho, the dog and the frog and Ethnic Platform Studio for the Book, Thought and Documentary Heritage of the Ministry of Popular Power for Culture (MPPC), dedicated to people who are currently living in shelters after suffering the grave consequences of heavy rainfall occurred in November and December last year.

The official presentation will take place on Friday 20 at 5 pm in Room RG Center for Latin American Studies Rómulo Gallegos located in Altamira. Then be offered some examples of this unique number that will be distributed free of charge to the public.

This publication involving Biblioteca Ayacucho, the dog and the frog and Ethnic Studio, brings together the work of cartoonists and illustrators of comics collective, both in Caracas and the interior, international guests and also has an introductory letter from the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Francisco Sesto Novas.

Comics for life, as defined Edixon Rodriguez, director of Ethnic Studio, in the editorial text, tries to bring "as a gesture of solidarity and demonstrate our social commitment, the most support, and the best way I know to do: telling stories illustrated.

This publication have called a "trough of Solidarity" involves 22 illustrators Jesus Torrealba, Robert Cardenas, Felipe Rodriguez, Carolina Rodriguez, Omar Cruz John Mulder; Edixon Rodríguez; Champe Juan Pablo Ramírez (Colombia); Nathaly Bonilla, Jose Sanchez, Alesky Aguilar, Alonso Espinoza, Ivan Santiago, Francisco Viloria, Rafael Marquez, Yilly Arana, Ramon Sivertsen, José Julián Brusco, Magdiel Rivero, Manuel Loayza, Giovanni Nieto (Colombia) and the School of Comics Studio Sancho, Carlos Galindo. (Fin / Dalisnel Perentena)

Note Courtesy of Biblioteca Ayacucho
a publication comic coordinated by Biblioteca Ayacucho, the dog and the frog and Ethnic Platform Studio for the Book, Thought and Documentary Heritage of the Ministry of Popular Power for Culture (MPPC), dedicated to people who are currently living in ; shelters after suffering the grave consequences of heavy rainfall occurred in November and December last year.

The official presentation will take place on Friday 20 at 5 pm in Room RG Center for Latin American Studies Rómulo Gallegos, located in Altamira. Then be offered some examples of this single number distribution will be free to the public.

This publication involving Biblioteca Ayacucho, the dog and the frog and Ethnic Studio, brings together the work of cartoonists and illustrators of comics collective, both in Caracas and the interior, international guests and also has an introductory letter from the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Francisco Sesto Novas.

Comics for life, as defined Edixon Rodriguez, director of Ethnic Studio, in the editorial text, tries to bring "as a gesture of solidarity and shows of our social commitment, the most support, and the best way I know to do: telling stories illustrated.

This publication the have called a "trough of Solidarity" involves 22 illustrators Jesus Torrealba, Robert Cardenas, Felipe Rodriguez, Carolina Rodriguez, Omar Cruz, John Mulder; Edixon Rodríguez, Juan Champe Pablo Ramírez (Colombia); Nathaly Bonilla; José Sánchez; Alesky Aguilar, Alonso Espinoza, Ivan Santiago, Francisco Viloria, Rafael Marquez, Yilly Arana, Ramon Sivertsen, José Julián Brusco, Magdiel Rivero, Manuel Loayza, Giovanni Nieto (Colombia) and the School of Comics Studio Sancho, Carlos Galindo . (Fin / Dalisnel Perentena)

Note Courtesy of Biblioteca Ayacucho
if this same John Mulder

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kates Playground Clit

of Paros. Smallville 10x21

( originally titled: the day that he "stop" to the world)

Stop the presses, stop the world, today is the greatest day around the world, today is the day he was born a woman who came to change the world with his presence and charisma, ladies and gentlemen standing ask in unison to sing a Happy Birthday to the goddess, the queen, embodied sexuality, the angel banished from heaven because God envied him his beauty, perfection walking, I mean MEGAN FOX!

So a day like today but 25 years ago came the sexy Megan Fox-goddess to which all men of all ages have shown their respect at some point. And with appearances in series and movies such as Bad Boys 2, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Lost, Two and Half Men, Passion Play and of course Transformers, has conquered the world.

And now today should be declared global day of rest to pay homage to all the world to our skin apiñonada goddess Megan Fox, so gentlemen fall into prayer and party down like it deserves.

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I can not be the most obvious title to attract traffic XD? Hello

band, as you know Smallville just last Friday, which for better or worse, since the series was good for those who have not seen (I doubt thing, since good FHB went up to see it online) I leave the final episode to download it in one link.


The rar pass is: comicorp

To give more life to link

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Congrats Wedding Sister

Of Silence, Part 3.

And now, the final episode of the Smallville.

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Of Silence Part 2.

And one of the most famous symphonies sound stopped and then everything was over, twenty-five minutes after one hour more than ten years of history had come to an end, was well as the 10 pm Central Time United States May 14, 2011 happened to posterity as the time when Smallville, came to an end.

However, the cries of millions of fans who had listened to twenty minutes before and saw the end of the series at home ended abruptly, there was no applause, no yelling, no tears, only one button to turn off to sleep with the emotions felt during the episode.

The next day there was no noise, no one talked about it, is the fact that it was the weekend and ran with the same fate as those who have the great idea to die on a Saturday or Sunday and that is, that no matter how old you are its history is lost in the rest of others.

specialized Blogs said nothing, the newspaper headlines could be counted on the fingers of one hand, so most likely all blow up on Monday following the event, but as that happened I was asked if he should to write these lines, no more I began to do and I apologize in advance and break through your dreams.

the outset say that I was not wrong to expect the episode was for other "tight", so to speak less, the mandatory recount of the past are presented in a rather long, showing the key moments leading up to the end to come in the next hour and a half.

And then start with issues that could well have been resolved in the two previous episodes at the end and in which situations presented "unnecessary" that could have easily skipped, leaving enough space so that the end was "even more awesome" than it was by itself.

But the situation was the wedding present and had to be solved and partly it would solve the biggest dilemma of the series and that dilemma was resolved, if Clark was ready for his destiny? Yes he was ready to become it? But even as fears away the wedding did not come to pass, because after all "was not the point."

was time that was done Apokalips mind, that Darkside would materialize, that Lex appeared, that Died Tees, Lex forget, Arrow had his five minutes of fame, that fly and that Clark " Blur "blue and red streak across the sky to illuminate the darkness that had covered the heavens.

was the moment everyone was waiting for that all hoping for at least five years, yet in the series had more ghosts than those of Jonathan Kent and Jor-el in the episode, the ghosts of those who wore the suit before "he" present at all times, fear felt in the air, there were many ghosts and a notable absentee.

And that made the greatest moment in history, history is reduced to just smudge and footage from the neck up in which only timidly the mantle of hero that would inspire all others light away the dark ending of the world, "he."

And it all happened in less than twenty minutes, everything, but some things took longer than others, took time unnecessary repetition of the same hero every time I had to remember who was to know who would become, the worst of all enemies who would end up showing his true destiny at the end.

What was resolved quickly, perhaps too, was the confrontation between the enemy represented by the darkness that was resolved with just one hit, which was quickly resolved the way in which an entire world away to which a balloon is back with a blow to where it came from. What

resolved Quick was seven years in which each of the characters took the place that always should have had seven years in which life went on and those who did not exist ten years ago now were at the heart of the universe and the universe supermaniano general

Seven years of not ever know that's what happened, only what we are told in the privacy of a room, where a mother who read a comic for a child to fall asleep and before leaving the room told us who was the father of the child and her husband.

Seven years in which both were prepared to take the next step, seven years in which "he" became the world's biggest heroes, "however, had spent only seven years, spent ten, ten years with high and low for good or reinvented worse the myth, the legend of Superman.

's two in the morning and around me there is only silence, the silence that comes after a great opening, a great symphony, the silence that comes when everything ends