Monday, May 16, 2011

Kates Playground Clit

of Paros. Smallville 10x21

( originally titled: the day that he "stop" to the world)

Stop the presses, stop the world, today is the greatest day around the world, today is the day he was born a woman who came to change the world with his presence and charisma, ladies and gentlemen standing ask in unison to sing a Happy Birthday to the goddess, the queen, embodied sexuality, the angel banished from heaven because God envied him his beauty, perfection walking, I mean MEGAN FOX!

So a day like today but 25 years ago came the sexy Megan Fox-goddess to which all men of all ages have shown their respect at some point. And with appearances in series and movies such as Bad Boys 2, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Lost, Two and Half Men, Passion Play and of course Transformers, has conquered the world.

And now today should be declared global day of rest to pay homage to all the world to our skin apiƱonada goddess Megan Fox, so gentlemen fall into prayer and party down like it deserves.


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