Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Is A Modified Brazilian Wax

In the eighth passenger.

After the loss of the copy of the script of the Avengers that belonged to Samuel L. useless Jackson, production was halted for a few days, since being investigated that they do with it, whether to modify a little history and background will change completely.

But while this is going very strong rumor that the Avengers will be 8 they will face the villain in turn could be Loki, but if we do have jobs are six Avengers (officers) who would come on screen and they are: Cap, Ironman, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Hence the question, what are the other two members who could go? For those who do not claim to be Nick Fury and War Machine, though the former is not vengeful, the second if it could be as even as the leader of the Avengers West Coast, but speculation is through the roof.

course the fans want to see the other two originals Avengers, Ant Man and Wasp, though neither side has revealed an actor and actress who could personify, however could be the surprise they left the latter without anyone really know anything about them.

To be honest seeing as you already well The Avengers movie if you will be very tight, because depending on where you finish the Cap movie, they should teach in the Avengers, the Hulk hunt, the discovery of the body of the Cap, which brings Jane back to Foster Thor and the invasion of enemies in turn.

And of course the formation of the group, implying that the group we saw together the final 15 minutes of the film and can last more than two hours, as candidates who do not know Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Namor, Vision and even Dr. Strange! Demonstrating their ignorance comiquil.

For now we have to wait


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