Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Diva With Biggest Boobs

masterpieces. RETA DRAWINGS

A Work of Art!, That's what I said when I saw for the first time Wall-E and I left more than impressed. And, beyond the green message implied that all the media highlighted at the time of the film, Wall-E refers to topics that at first sight is lost, but getting a little attention and are easy to find understand.

The story most know it, Wall-E is a robot that is only on earth and that for 700 years has been dedicated to compressing and stacking blocks away that "human pigs" left behind while we decided to go to the stars to rest of the "terrible and tired" life we \u200b\u200bhad in the earth, and pass to continue polluting, but now is the space. "

In these 700 years many things happened, the main, most of Wall-E, which is an acronym for his real name in English, ceased to function over time and apparently the Wall -e is the only one who continues to work and doing his "directive" each and every single day of your life.

But as it is supposed solitude is a good place so empty that sometimes you get bored and start to become idle and investigate what these things around, and with so much garbage around because Wall-E begins to generate a curiosity to know "why" everything worked, but of course sometimes use that gives him is not the same gave humans.

And here is where things begin to change and become a simple children's story to a true work of art, not just tell by the way in which visually explains how in which a robot has generated feelings, fear, curiosity, empathy, friendship, but mostly shock and need for affection and love, but what they see after the viewer.

Sure, I know that for many readers of this column is nothing new that a "robot" and eventually changes introduced human attitudes become even more human than their creators, but this premise is only the beginning of things to come, according to me-later.

So far the movie plays normal, the green message, yes there really is explicitly-is present at all times and blah, blah, blah, then Wall-E meets Eve, a robot designed for better and more sophisticated than our trash compactor, which those we live in the eighties reminds us of another Square robot and friendly too, and that one day is left by a ship of exploration on earth.

Eva's directive is simple to explore and collect data from the Earth's surface to see if it habitable again, which does not have Eva is with Wall-E who at first seem to distract her from her mission want to teach home-yes, because Wall-E has a home-and all things that over the years has collected, same as in the hands of Eva work much better.

But it will be between one of those things that Wall-E collected that Eva will find the main element of the same policy that protects find it being completed their mission and once again leaving Wall-E only, but now he will try by all means not losing the only "friend", though have a pet, which has had all this time.

is that desire not to lose Eve Wall-E takes to find a place where the robots are in control of things, even those who created them, is how Wall-E first known to humans, they do the same humans who created it and let him work for everything they collect discarded.

But these "human beings" are not much, at least not like you and I are in 700 years as it evolves or devolves much as you like and unfortunately sometimes it seems that human beings even with everything that can be large, it can be very small, silly, but mostly forgetful.

The Axiom is the utopia that VIKI in I, Robot (and many others) want to create and failing to try, ie the place where human beings and not hurt each other , where robots take care of them all, including themselves and in which nothing, absolutely nothing happens without them, the robots-they know and preserved at all costs. The difference between VIKI and the Axiom's computer is that while the first seeks its goal by "revolution" the second bet to comfort and oblivion.

is how Wall-E on his way to find your friend sees in what humans have become amorphous masses that have lost control of their bodies and they can not do anything themselves, we interact with each other even though they are a few inches away, let alone think without the screen in front of them tell them.

The irony-or is supposed to be, is that in all this filth and squalor framed in perfect cleanliness and order, is that a small robot, an artificial life form is the only "thing" and live to remember give meaning to the word "live."

Thus the film continued until the time when Eve realizes what Wall-E begins to mean for her and everything I had to go through to protect and help to comply with its directive, but to his misfortune, and as always is to occur, this revelation comes too late and lost him his friend before he could "take the hand "-and no, I'm not saying the final.

For all that, and many other things, "Wall-E is not a movie for kids just because of" cartoon "but this marketing aimed at children, as they often bore the watch a movie without dialog that asks you to have focused all their attention on the screen.

From my very perverted and unreliable-for-view some Wall-E is a true work of art and as such a good object of study and reflection, very Light and shallow ,-of course-but in the end, if Wall-E again and makes you think at least some of what you saw then that means that has served its purpose, if not, then you've wasted your time reading this column, for which I apologize, and I think maybe you should return to see the canal telenovelas stars.

for Teens and Adults


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