Friday, May 13, 2011

Mission Style Burrito Recipe

De Ultima Hora.

Obi-Wan Kenobi of death. Declares Vader Coruscant

.- Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mastermind of some of the most devastating attacks on the rule and one of the most wanted men in the galaxy, was killed in a struggle against imperial troops in Alderaan, Darth Vader announced Sunday.

In an appearance at the Imperial Palace East Room, Lord Vader stated that "justice is done habñia, Kenobi had been discovered by officers of the Imperial Navy Stormtrooper Battalion 501 Kenobi finally cornered one of the leaders of the rebellion Jedi, who had evaded the Empire for two decades. Imperial officers reported that Kenobi put resistance but was killed by Vader and his own lightsaber, to dismiss fell for ventilation

The news sparked a firestorm extraordinary excitement among thousands of people gathered in Senate District and outside the Imperial Palace, who singing, laughing and waving flags of empire while shouting "Long live the Emperor!" and "May the force Hail Lord Vader!". While in the protection zone, aliens singing "The Ten Thousand Year Empire." While District conductors Sha'c airspeeder drivers honked their horns late into the night.

"For two decades Kenobi has been the leader and symbol of the Jedi Rebellion said the Lord of the Sith in his televised statement throughout the Milky Way, HoloNet. "Kenobi's death marks one of the most important date in the Empire's efforts to defeat the Rebel Alliance. But his death does not mark the end of our efforts. There is no doubt that the revolt will continue to drive attacks against us, we must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad. "

The disappearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi is a decisive moment in the struggle against terrorism Stormtroopers, and a symbolic statement that the relentless persecution of those who turn against the Empire. However, it remains to be seen is whether it encourages followers Kenobi to become a martyr and intensify their attacks or as a milestone in the pages of the war against the Rebel Alliance and gives a new thrust to Emperor Palpatine to enhance the recruitment of Stormtrooper.

In an earlier statement issued to reporters, boasted that Kenobi could hit the Empire in a "so powerful that no one could imagine." As to how his death affected the Rebel Alliance the situation remains unclear, since although Kenobi is the most recognizable face of the imperial terrorism, some argue that had lost power and leadership in recent years, so the Empire is preparing for possible retaliation by followers of radical Kenobi .

The Official Grand Moff of the Imperial Fleet, said Sunday that the military bases and surrounding core worlds of the galaxy was ordered to a higher state of emergency. While the Imperial Security Bureau issued a travel warning galactic urging citizens in unstable areas "to limit travel outside their local star systems and to avoid mass gatherings and manifestations. "

And even if the attack could deepen tensions in the Outer Rim, where terrorists like Obi-Wan, obviously you have found safe haven of their territories for almost two decades. Lord Vader has ordered attacks on suspected terrorist targets in the Outer Rim. Under the premise that has been in those wild regions of space where it protects terrorists.

A representative of the Imperial Navy, said military and intelligence officials learned through first Kenobi's presence in the world last summer and began working on a plan to go get it. As of March, Lord Vader working closely with a series of several different admirals aboard the Death Star plans to review the operation and on Friday morning gave the final order for members of the Legion 501 (popularly known as "Vader's Fist" ) started the attack. Obi-Wan

and a group of his followers were eventually captured while fleeing the system, and taken aboard the Death Star, which was in the middle of the topography of the recent environmental disaster in Alderaan. Darth Vader called a "specific operation," but officials said four TIE fighters were lost due to "mechanical failure" and had to be destroyed to prevent them falling into hostile hands.
addition, two men and a Wookiee were killed, one is believed to be his young apprentice and the other two were spies, it was announced before an admiral also told reporters that a woman died when it was used as human shield by a fighter, Admiral also said. Two droids escaped during the fire of Cambat.

"Care was taken to avoid civilian casualties at all times." Final Report and continuous Lord Vader. "After a shooting, which beat my old master took custody of his body which tradition requires Jedi a funeral within the next 24 hours but that would be in deep space, this for fear of the imperial authorities that Kenobi fans create a sanctuary for the fallen Jedi.

(via The Galactic Empire Times )


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